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No Weapon Shall Prosper

Own It January 14, 2014

Genre: Inspirational, Drama

Runtime: 95 Minutes

UPC: MAV-5433, 824355543322


Diana lives her life trying to appease her husband's abusive outrages. She finds comfort and guidance in the arms of another man. When her husband discovers Diana's extramarital affair, he threatens everyone she cares about. Lost and with no direction to turn, Diana finds solace in God and realizes she was never alone.

Directed By

Michael A. Lemelle & April Marcell


Ryan Harrington, Aries Marvin Uzzle, Keonta Coleman, Terricita Copeland

About the Crew

  • In the same vein as Jennifer Lopez' role in 'Enough'.
  • Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women - more than car accidents, muggings, and rapes combined.
  • Faith based theme.
